Where are the Ethical Organisations near me in Birmingham? Let's find them with AppyMaps
Discover with AppyMaps Maps and Guides where are the Ethical Places and Businesses in Birmingham & support them while Eating, Drinking, Shopping, Meeting, Doing, Making, Growing, or simply just having fun.
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1WqZEfQFqPj70f1yQCiLwxWOAK1qT6Pbk&ehbc=2E312F" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
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Built by the community for the communities in Birmingham Social Impact Map by AppyMaps you can find Ethical, Green, Social Impact, Conscious, Sustainable, Community, Purpose, Businesses, Orgs & Places.
The big Majority of the places we map are Brick and Mortar, Shop Front, Ethical Places and Businesses like Cafè, Restaurants, Charity Shops, Refill and Zero Waste Shops, Ethical Barbers and Hairdressers, Sports venues, Ethical Clothing Shops, Launderettes, Repair shops, Maker Spaces, Conscious Services, Libraries, Community Services...
... and so much more!
Every little green daily action can make a difference in Birmingham, for the People, for the Community, for Each place and for the Planet.
AppyMaps is a mission-driven startup, aimed to be the connector among the different actors to leverage social impact in cities to the next level: individuals, communities, entrepreneurs, private, public and third sector.
AppyMaps Is about Building Bridges between all the different kinds of impacts that are making special the spaces around us, and celebrating human actions that help build them.
Our Maps are the starting point for new actions, they are triggers to the positive impact and sustainable futures.
Our maps are crowdsourced by citizens and expert partners, built by citizens, for citizens, and looked over by us and our volunteers. Here is how you can help: