There is so much to discover!
Supporting social impact in your local community is easier than ever with AppyMaps.
Our aim is to show you that you can start small, so you can take your own impactful daily choices.
Discover what is around you with our social impact maps and begin your story.
Take the first step on your journey to connecting with the amazing ethical places, brands and organisations close to you.
Check our Maps!
In our crowdsourced maps, you are going to find different social impact places and services, from cafes and restaurants to institutions and sustainable shops.
There are many ways in which you can make an impact. Make the most out of these services, they are good for you, for your community and for the planet.
Just Gather, Drink, Eat, Shop, Do, Make and Grow.
Discover what Ethical, Shop Front, places, business and organisations your city has to offer!
Which city are you looking to impact? Click the icons and start Exploring
These are times of uncertainty and we want to help you know what's open. The COVID-19 outbreak had led many businesses to close temporarily.
On the 16th March 2020, day of the start of the first lockdown, AppyMaps launched the #whatsopen campaign, a complete free, volunteer, crowdsourced, open door legacy to support any citizen, key worker in need of relevant information for the few daily possible action allowed during the this period of changes, grief and low touch economy.
For 4 months we trained online volunteers around the UK, Spain, Germany and India how to create maps of their own streets, neighbourhoods and cities. If AppyMaps started this, our volunteers make it big and most of of useful for anyone in pandemic times.
These maps are made by Citizens for Citizens and Key Workers to support more efficient use of your time outside, during Coronavirus Crisis. All information are Crowdsourced and Publicly Available.
A map is about trust. We still don't know how long this pandemic will continue. So... Check Before going out, too!
This resource will remain always public available in the future to remember the struggle of our cities, and most of the beautiful effort and spirit of volunteers and community.
A map is about memories
AppyMaps is not Liable for the Accuracy of Data and Personal Behaviours.
What is Open in...
Global Eco Xmas Map 2018/'19
Black Owned Organisations 2021
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<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
Initiated by for the Public, "London Black Owned Shops Map by AppyMaps" show places to Meet, Buy, Drink, Eat, Play, make, and have fun owned by Black entrepreneurs and the Black community.
We need more awareness, celebration, connection, and pride between communities for communities. All information is Crowdsourced and Publicly Available.
A map is about trust and we build maps to navigate cities and causes for good. Mapping is about building bridges in places and communities for the common good
AppyMaps is not liable for the Accuracy of Data and Personal Behaviours.
AppyMaps is a mission-driven startup, aimed to be a bridge between the different actors to leverage social impact in cities to the next level: individuals, communities, entrepreneurs, private, public and third sector
Our Maps are the starting point for new actions, they are triggers to the positive impact and sustainable futures.
Our maps are crowdsourced, build by citizens, for citizens. Here is how you can help: